Photography has been one of those priorities that has been keeping me busy on the weekends and evenings. I have continued to participate in a number of photo shoots. The last one was this past Sunday with Miss. Cayman, Nicosia Lawson:
Nicosia was an absolute dream to shoot as she knew what to do and was already in the next pose before I had to say anything. She was also very open to suggestions even when one of the poses created a cramp (OK that may have been pushing a little to far :-))
As you will also note above, my photos include a little more post-processing than before. (Okay, that is not hard since I did little to none before). Paul Aiken gave me a crash course in Photoshop and has been encouraging me to really get into it and bring out the best of my photos. YouTube and Google have been my best friends as I search and follow tutorials on using Photoshop.
Another area that Paul and I have been dipping our toes in is high speed photography. Our first foray into it resulted in some nice shots which I was able to take and then use to practice my Photoshopping: A water drop before Photoshop:
and the after Photoshop (the main difference is the burnt background):
We have been down in the Cayman Islands for almost eight months but it is still hard to believe that we have "summer" year round with no cold or snow. As I bid you a good night, I will leave you with a photo I took yesterday from outside my office: